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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Old Indian Ram Darbar Coin

517A.D. (1400+++) years old coin, total weight of this coin is 12 grams. In this coin you can see the Lord RAMA and his brother LAKSHMAN. On edge, you can see the letters rama, lakshman, janaki, jawal, hanumanak in sanskrit. You can see the celebrations of the Lord rama becomes a king. This coin is made by few metals like as (gold, silver, bronze, copper etc.) (gold & silver not confirmed) but looks like same.
Question: What Are These Old Coins?
Old coins are hard to identify? It is more difficult to find out its current value, if you don't even know what the old coin is? Is your old coin made of silver or gold? From which country the old coin is? This frequently asked questions will help you to figure out what your old coins are, and make researches for further information about them.
Answer: The first step is to finding out what your old coins is or worth to identify them. If they are from India, you can check the Old Coins Identification chart. If the old coin isn't on the chart, it is probably a circulating coin.
In most cases, you should be able to make out what the country is, although it will usually be in the language of the country that issued the old coin. You can type the likely country name into a search engine such as Google to see what is available on the Web. There are thousands of coin-related Web sites out there for just about every type of old coin imaginable!

Old Coins That Can't be Identified
Not all of your old coins will be identifiable using the methods above. In this case, you might have a token, round, or pattern, all of which resemble coins. Try typing the inscriptions you can read into a search engine. As a general rule, if the old coin doesn't have a country name and denomination (saying how much it's worth) on it, it's probably not an official government coin. It can be very hard to learn more about these unofficial coins because very few people collect them, so they're usually not worth very much (if any) money.
Researching Old Coins
Here are some tips for researching your old coins:
  • · Be sure to check beyond the first page of search results. Sometimes you won't find what you need until several pages into the listings.
  • · If you find something very similar, but that doesn't quite match your old coin, try emailing, send a photo of your coin.
  • · Try posting photos of your old coin in forums, or emailing it to coin dealers. Sooner or later someone will recognize it.
  • · Although this is rarely my first choice when giving advice about old coins, you can try taking your old coins to a coin dealer and see what he can tell you. The reason I don't like to suggest this is that most coin dealers don't know any more about world coins and other non-coin numismatic items than you'd discover for yourself just searching Google. Many coin dealers will try to buy your old coins from you at very low prices. Never sell your old coins until you know what you've got and what they're worth!

'काश भारत सरकार भी पाक होती'

रोहतक ।। सोमालियाई लुटेरों के चंगुल से छूट कर छह भरातीयों के घर लौटने की खबर उनके परिवार वालों के लिए बड़ी राहत बन कर आई है। उन्हें अफसोस है तो इस बात का कि इस रिहाई में भारत सरकार का या देश के नेताओं का कोई योगदान नहीं है। यह रिहाई संभव हुई पाकिस्तानी मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता अंसार बर्नी की वजह से जिन्होंने चंदा करके सभी बंधकों की रिहाई सुनिश्चित करवाई।

एक बंधक रविंदर गुलिया की पत्नी संपा कहती हैं ,' यह इंसानियत का बंधन है जो देश और जाति की सीमा से ऊपर है और इसी की वजह से हमारे अपनों की जान बची। ' उन्होंने कहा कि मैं पाकिस्तानी नागरिक बर्नी और यहां तक कि पाकिस्तान सरकार का भी हृदय से धन्यवाद करती हूं। उन लोगों ने बंधकों को छुड़ाने के लिए सबकुछ किया , पर हमारी सरकार और हमारे लोगों ने हमें निराश किया। '

पढ़ें : पाकिस्तानी चंदे से रिहा हुए भारतीय बंधक

गौरतलब है कि सोमालियाई लुटेरों द्वारा 10 महीना पहले 2 अगस्त 2010 को बंधक बनाए गए जहाज में छह भारतीय थे। इनमें दो हरियाणा के थे और एक-एक हिमाचल, जम्मू कश्मीर, महाराष्ट्र और तमिलनाडु के। पाकिस्तान के सिर्फ चार लोग थे। इसके बावजूद पाकिस्तान सरकार ने इसमें काफी दिलचस्पी दिखाई।

संपा कहती हैं कि मैंने कसम खा ली है कि जिंदगी में कभी वोट नहीं दूंगी क्योंकि हमारी सरकार और हमारे नेताओं को हमारी दुख-तकलीफों से कोई मतलब ही नहीं। मैंने कई बार मंत्रियों से बात की, लेकिन उन्होंने फिरौती की रकम चुकाने से साफ-साफ इनकार कर दिया क्योंकि उनके मुताबिक फिरौती देना गैरकानूनी है। क्या दूर देश में फंसे अपने नागरिकों की जान बचाना गैरकानूनी है ?’